Sunday, July 26, 2015

A smoky reading Marathon.

This July day is filled with smoke from a forest fire that started yesterday afternoon. It is on 5% contained this morning and going strong. People are being evacuated and there is much fear in the air. A good day to stay inside and read.

I have joined in the fun of a reading marathon started on YouTube and it runs for the week. I have 5 TBR books and if I get 3 books read I will be happy. All of these book photos are from other sources around the web.

The First book is "Spellcasting In Silk" by Juliet Blackwell. A witch with a vintage clothing shop in San Francisco helps the police solve paranormal mysteries. This is one of many books I have read by this author and they are all fun to read. Since I was born in San Francisco I enjoy reading this witch series and all the references to the city. Lily, the witch, is a kind and loving witch.

2nd is "The Mediator 3" by Meg Cabot.  A YA book about a young girl also solving paranormal mysteries in Southern California.

3rd book is "Eighth Grade Is Making Me Sick" by Jennifer L. Holm. It a picture filled book sort of like a graphic novel but not in comic book form. The book is short and fun to read. Since I worked 8th grades for years it was a fun stroll down memory lane. The bookmark at the bottom is one I made for YA books I read.

4th book is "Red Rising" by Pierce Brown. I heard about this Dystopian novel on YouTube and enjoy a good Dystopian book.

5th book is "Death Rides the Zephyr" by Janet Dawson. this last book I just bought up at the Portola Train Museum. I like murder mysteries so thought I would try this out.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Death Comes to Pemberley

I am reading a book called DEATH COMES TO PEMBERLEY by 
P.D. James. I like Jane Austen books and I like P.D. James, but I love the Jane Austen movies. This book makes me smile the whole time I am reading it. I didn't realize I was smiling at first but then I did and that's why I am writing about it. So many clever references to Pride and Prejudice throughout. In Chapter 4 one character mentions there may be ghosts in the woods on the estate. I am starting Chapter 5 and they are getting ready for a ball. They have been polishing the silver and putting together the flower arrangements. There is a storm outside and I wonder if the murder is next??? Time for me to brew a cup of tea or maybe some iced tea. (speaking of iced tea Joe and I have been enjoying Bigelow's Green Tea with Pomegranate.)

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wrap-up of Dec. 2013

Christmas has come and gone. All the fun parties and great food, presents and family memories. I was a tad sad this year. First time in my life that I felt sad for a number of days around Christmas. Miss my mom I guess. Now that I am an orphan and matriarch of the family I didn't think I would have those titles.
Went to a fun Christmas Tea where every table was decorated by a different person. They were so beautiful.

We had snow and it stuck around for a week here at our place.

Here are the books we got for Christmas.  Music, God, Witches and birds. 
2013 was a good year. This next year we will sell my mother's home and have fun where we can. 

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Day of Thankfulness.

around and about our place. The joys of having a great husband, great cats and a great place to live.

Friday, November 22, 2013

California Crusin' on such an autumn Day

San Francisco to Ensenada and back. It was so much fun and I was on a quest for all things Day of The Dead. It was the middle of October so I knew someone down south was getting in the spirit of the season.